New And Critical Changes To IT Security, Insurance Coverage And HIPAA Compliance That Will Put Your Practice At Serious Financial Risk If Not Addressed This Year

Discover what the vast majority of small medical practices and covered entities don’t know and haven’t been told about changes to cyber security risks, insurance and HIPAA compliance that are allowing them to operate at UNDER APPRECIATED RISK for a crippling cyberattack and subsequent costs, lawsuits and fines – and what to do about it now.

“A Breach Won’t Happen To My Practice… We’re Too Small. My Staff Is Too Smart. We’re Good,” You Say?

Don’t think you’re in danger because you’re a “small” practice and don’t have anything a hacker would want? That you have “good” people who know better than to click on a bad e-mail or make a mistake? That it won’t happen to you? That’s EXACTLY what cybercriminals are counting on you to believe. It makes you easy prey because you put ZERO protections in place, or grossly inadequate ones. In fact, SMALL medical practices are the target because you’re infinitely easier to compromise. Hackers are unethical, but not stupid.

Download This Free Report To Learn:

  • Top 3 ways your practice can be damaged AFTER a cyber crime or breach of patient data.
  • A common misconception about cyber insurance that will shock you – and simple things you can do to make sure any claims are covered.
  • 18 Questions to ask your current IT provider to gage if you are adequately protected from cyber crimes.
  • 6 Key steps for ensuring you are HIPAA compliant that most practices are not currently taking.

To Claim Your FREE Copy Of The Report Fill Out The Form
On This Page Or Call Us Today At (518) 900-7004

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Jose Filomeno Managing Partner
Lake George Beach Club

The Highest Degree Of Security And Efficiency

Before we moved to Innovative Technologies, we had antiquated equipment which caused inefficiency, insecure backups, and tons of paper waste. Now, we have a network with 98% uptime and our end users enjoy and expect system reliability and have been able to abandon inefficient practices. The internet is dangerous, however, there is no doubt that with the help of Innovative Technologies, our systems are held to the highest degree of security for our users and clients’ data.

Steve Mouton Communications Specialist
The Charlton School